The day has come. . . BigBuddy has advanced another step in life. Today he got his Driver's Permit. MyMike practiced with him for a half hour in the church parking lot tonight and LittleBuddy comes running in to tell me, "He's a natural, Mom. He knows how to turn and everything." How sweet was that!!! Creating that mind-set is going to go a long ways in helping me get through the next few months. Not that I don't think he'll do well. He is a great son, and I know he'll be responsible. The only questions he missed on the written exam were the alcohol ones because he just doesn't keep that kind of info in his head - Bless him!
I don't know why I feel this way, but I'm just dreading it. Maybe its because its one step closer to his leaving, which I am not looking forward to. He's such a joy of a boy, really. Maybe its just that I'd rather drive in my relaxed mode to seminary each day, and now I'll have to be on high alert for all possible dangers. Maybe its because my dear friend's nephew is in a coma after being in an accident just last weekend. . . I really do want him to drive. I want him to grow up successfully and accomplish every thing his heart desires, and surely he'll have to drive a car to get wherever that is. . . . No, I think its just my nerve endings. I find that I worry more than I used to. And so, I need to create the attitude that he is a natural. He is full of faith and virtue, and I need to have faith in his virtues.
Really I should be grateful he's had so much experience on the motorcycle. MyMike has taken him out on hard, rugged trails. In fact, when it comes to THE BIKE, things have never been smooth, but he has always made the best decisions. MyMike has always commented on how well our boy handled things with a cool head. We are what we think, and I can be a calm, emotionally steady mother at 5:30 am . . . I'm going to keep repeating that to myself all weekend, and be glad that tomorrow - no school, we all get to sleep in! . . . More time to give up the worries and choose to be happy.
This simple 9 x 9 for LittleBuddy's book uses CTMH GoodTimes paper. These are pages 3 and 4 of a trip that had as many things go wrong as went right, and yet it is one of our children's and my favorite camping memories. When I can remember to find joy in the journey instead of the outcome, I am always happiest.