This Memorial Day, having just had some great visits to historical places, I want to pay tribute to those who have died for the freedoms I enjoy today.
Here we are in front of Plymouth Rock. Steven is going to his orchestra competition next, thus the uniform. I know you can't see it, but trust me it would have been impossible to see both us and the rock, and since I know my family wants to see my children, here we are. Without the Pilgrims coming for religious freedom where would we be today?
This was Paul Revere's home in Boston. We learned so much about him. First of all, Longfellow's poem, though I do love it, is more fiction than fact. What we did learn was that he was in hiding for the next year after making his famous ride, and in truth, he never reached Lexington and Concord. He was one of several men willing to ride and warn all they could that the British were on their way. He was a "Son of Liberty." What a great title. He and the other patriots of their day move me with their courage and willingness to die if necessary for the cause of freedom. Many did.
Here is Ryan dressed as Paul Revere for his recent Enrichment Fair's "Wax Biography." Their assignment was to dress and speak as if they were "someone who has influenced the world for good." It was fun to dress him up and hear his two minute talk. He loved the outfit too - my creative endeavor for the week - putting it all together. I was glad I only had to buy the hat. Everything else we had on hand.
Last Monday we toured the US Capitol. This was taken as we left, about 5pm. E Pluribus Unum - out of many, one. May we always remember, freedom isn't free. The history of our country is filled with many who sacrificed their personal freedom to ensure freedom for US citizens in the future. May every one of them be blessed for their efforts.
Last night Ryan and I went to the Baltimore National Military Cemetery. All the Scouts in our area who come place flags in front of the headstones of each of these fallen soldiers and their families. There are thousands, and I estimated there were probably 500-700 Scouts there, but in less than 20 minutes the work is done. And, it is stirring, to see all the flags and all the headstones. I always leave with a lump in my throat, and feel the need to say a prayer of thanks for those who died for me.
Last but not least, this is at Pearl Harbor. These are the names of those on the USS Arizona who lie beneath the water still. They were attacked because those who were on the lookout didn't understand what they were seeing and hearing. It just couldn't be that, they thought. . .
We are watching and listening today. We pray those in Congress will see and hear too. We will never forget those who gave their lives for the freedoms this country has enjoyed for over two hundred years. We thank those who still today die as sons and daughters of liberty. We Remember!