Today I was released from my calling - didn't take many pictures is my only regret. I love those sisters dearly and love never ends, so I'll be okay. However, there are still issues that I am quite concerned about, and so I will serve them, just not with the same authority, but with the same heart.
Until, and if I move, but I'm not going there yet!
Almost time to see my Cowgirl and my mom and dad. Miss them so much!
Meanwhile, lot of changes have been going on, anticipating an end sometime ????
The stickers are off MyGirl's walls.
Tomorrow my living room sofa will soon be out of my dining room, where its currently tipped on its side. And, by the end of the day the dining room table should no longer be the depository for the kitchen counters and the rest of the house.
Only one room left to paint before the carpet gets laid.
Summer is officially over - school starts tomorrow, and my baby won't be going to elementary school anymore! And his brother won't even be living in this state. And his best friend won't stop by to chat with me too.
My living room is now the music room. The rug goes in front of the front door, but we moved it into the music room when we were carrying open buckets of paint up the stairs.
The stress has been over since three days after I wrote the last post, lest anyone worried about me. Making a good choice always beats getting worn out by not consciously making a choice. I just needed to remind myself of my options.
The best part of today was when BigBuddy came home tonight and started talking to me and didn't stop for over an hour. Then, he paused and said, I guess I really like to talk. . . this from the former 4-1/2 month old who had to be taken out of church not for crying but for babbling and talking pretty much every week until he was six years old. He's always had plenty to say and as he's become a teenager, listening to him has become one of the great joys of my life.
How grateful I am for his words, and how much I will miss them! He promises he'll call me at least once a week. I hope I can make it that long. I will miss nights like this, sharing his hopes and dreams, what he's learned and how he's figuring out growing up, girls and buddies, and faith and testimony! Wish I could just bottle it all up.