I started to send Christmas cards. If you got one, I'm so happy.
If not, my over-filled brain is to blame. At some point I forgot who I sent cards to, and everything came to a grinding halt in the card department, and I just had to move on in the details of all that must be done before one moves.
. . . and that's the main point. Our house sold in less than 2 weeks. We still had showings for 5 days afterwards while the counter-offers, etc. went back and forth. So glad that is over. The inspections are over, the appraiser came by, the surveyor was by today (that was a surprise) and I think we're on track to close the 13th of Jan. I know we are blessed to sell in this market at this time of year!
Recently Mike's current company received more projects and asked if they could do anything to keep him here. His answer, "I sold my house already, no turning back now."
BigBuddy is home from college, happy and adding much joy into our home. Cowgirl is flying in on Friday. We can't wait! We'll all be making a road trip to Colorado Springs, putting us somewhere in the middle of the country for New Year's Eve. Still waiting to check on weather and when the moving truck actually leaves to finalize my plans, but the general consensus is we'll be out of our house by the 30th of Dec.
I thought I was pretty organized, but as usual, things are happening quickly, and of course some unexpected bumps have presented themselves. . . .
LittleBuddy has had a 101.9 fever for the past three days. Even though his ears hurt, the doctor says nothing is wrong . . . UGH! So, he's miserable, and we're all taking turns cuddling with him and bringing him cool compresses. Poor guy! He's having to miss his last week of school, giving him no chance to really say good-bye to his friends. I feel so bad for him. I went to clean out his locker this morning and wished this week could be different. As he sits next to me on the sofa watching Disney channel, I'm writing this.
And, MyGirl is having minor surgery today on her tongue. Our dentist noticed at her cleaning that she can't reach her tongue to the top of her mouth, something I asked doctors about when she was one because her sister's tongue needed to be clipped also. Well, no one caught it until this week. So, today is the day the underside is getting clipped. I'm kicking myself for not being more insistent when she was younger. Poor girl! She's going to be miserable for the next two days. I hope she'll feel better by Christmas morning. She's starting to have misgivings about moving too - so much unknown. This won't help her anxiety levels, but we're praying she'll get through it as easily as possible.
The unknown is always hard. I find myself knowing it will be okay, but still feeling sad at what I'm leaving. It hits like waves. There has been a lot of loss this year, but I have to remind myself that there is an eternal plan, and I just need to stay focused on it! To my friends in Maryland - I love you! I am a better person because of what you have taught me and how you have served me and my family. Thank you for all you've done!
As would be expected when two days after Christmas the packers come, modifications have been made to our life. The theme of simplification once again brings what we value most to the surface, and everything else is weighted down in the "not really needed." The traditions we have had were important in increasing the love of our family, and I don't regret that we've done them one bit, but they're not needed this year.
There has been no:
countdown to Christmas
decorations all over the house
personal ornaments on the tree
stockings hung by the mantel with care
no star on the tree either
all my nativities set out
baked goods going out to all the neighbors
homemade gifts for our family
parties planned
Instead, there are 3 nativities out, lights on the tree, and a few silver stars, garland on the stair rail, and a wreath - that's it. I'm sending the neighbors cards. Any baking I do will be consumed by my own family. I think we may be selecting personal socks to put on the sofa.
We have a hymn book to sing carols, we have a Bible to read the story of the nativity and we have each other. We have some presents under the tree. In the end, that's all that's needed for Christmas.
Wherever you are, I hope that whatever you have sacrificed in the name of keeping life simpler and making life work for you will remind you that the Lord of all was born into a non-decorated manger, with no gifts arriving for quite a while, and the food served that night was probably not much more than bread and dates, maybe some dried fish, and it was all okay. It was better than okay, because the Savior of the World was born. And, everything good that He did will bless us all forever. So, with that perspective, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. Blessings for a peaceful and sweet Christmas with those you love!