Tennis season is just about over. I didn't know how high school tennis works because I went to high school in Kent, Washington. They don't play tennis in Western Washington because its much too wet! So, I've learned some things watching LittleBuddy experience this. Perhaps I also need to give credit to the coach, seen on the right. She is just phenomenally supportive and kind and competent, but this has really been a team sport. Its been a great way to have my guy feel part of his school as a new freshman.
He has a double's partner. He's a nice boy. All the kids on the team are nice. They all support each other, and cheer each other on. They have out of practice parties and after game parties and just are genuinely inclusive. They are encouraging to each other and easily forgiving and its just really nice. LittleBuddy says his friends on the football team can't say the same. That's too bad. I'm glad my guy found tennis.MyGirl signed up with her old visiting teacher to make this cute Halloween banner as part of a craft club that this woman has started. She went without me, and I was grateful for someone besides myself who was happy to encourage my daughter to use her talents and find joy in creating. Crafting in a group is fun. I still miss my Club ladies and all the conversations we'd have and post-Club lunches. Really it was about sharing our hearts and creating something cute in the process. But being part of the Club we all belonged to was sweet, and it was one of the very happy memories of my life.
My boy is also involved in Scouting. Mike and I are in involved in Scouting. Its all teamwork there. No one passes off or moves to the next level or earns an award all by himself. There are lots of people to mentor and check off and encourage and help support. I'm glad to be part of this program that helps build boys to be men and teaches character as well as skills that make one self-sufficient. It inspires me that in the process of a team we build great individuals. . . love that. . . families are like that too.
Then there's my hobby of quilting. I could never do this without other women showing me, teaching me, inspiring me, and motivating me to start, to try, and to finish. My mother is my biggest teacher and the main player on my quilting team, and I love that. Yesterday, our church had a Family History Fair, where my parents were teaching a class. My mother had brought a quilt made by her grandmother and one made by herself. In the course of her class she shared that quilting was part of our family tradition, and though having entered late in life, I am now carrying on that tradition as well. A lady I didn't know came up to me afterwards, and said, "Aren't you glad you're a quilter now too?" I responded, "I sure am." Carrying on good traditions from my heritage does mean something to me.
I also met a woman yesterday who has been following my blog unbeknownst to me and I realized that we help and encourage each other whether we realize it or now. Then some little boys (7 year olds) today who I had never met started talking to me and I realized they had seen me, had noticed me, and were taking note. I was grateful to be able to share my love of prayer with them and it prompted me to rethink my self-retreating status. Perhaps I need to keep sharing because in spite of the hard things in life, I do have faith and optimism that good is still there. I can choose to find the good and share it. So, I'm back to blogging a bit more regularly. No promises of what that means, but if I can be more conscious to give encouragement or offer support to anyone in their creative endeavors or just with their own family, or to choose good things when life is crazy and hectic anyhow, then I am all for it. While we each make individual choices, being part of a team sure makes life easier and sweeter and since we're all in this together, I'm happy to encourage others to hang in there and keep creating goodness wherever they can.