Talked to Cowgirl today. She's been sick for a week, been to the doctor's once. Now her chest is starting to hurt.
My cousin Suzy has been sick for a long time, MaryAnn too.
My dear friend, now with four strokes is still sick. I saw her again yesterday. We pray for her daily. Let her be better.
Our Relief Society lesson was on Elder Holland's talk, and taught the difference between true love and lust. Those who had true love and that love betrayed them were so hurt and the pain so real. I cried with them, and my heart still hurts just thinking about them.
Life is not fair. It is not easy. It is not pretty. Yet, it can be. I saw pictures on Pioneer Women's website last night, titled Happiness, of children laughing and babies holding their soldier daddies and I just wept, that their happiness was real. It was good.
There is opposition in all things. I ache for those who are hurting. I rejoice with those who are happy. I talked to my dear friend, Cynthia, today. I realized that it is the scriptures that keep me from giving up or holding onto doubt. They are filled with hope. They promise us of another place where it is paradise and better. They ground me in He, who descended below them all. So, I give my sadness for all those who are sad to Him. It doesn't take the pain away, but it makes it bearable, because I know He cares for their pain. He wept too. So, when I weep, He understands.
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