My boys are six and half years apart in age, exactly a foot different in size, and where one is built tall and slim, the other is shorter and stockier. However, when its comes to their interests, they are a lot alike. They each wake up in the morning and the first thing I hear is their footsteps coming up the stairs, then walking over to where the drawer the binoculars are located. It doesn't matter if one is up two hours before the other, they each do the same thing. Friday morning they were excited to see a deer in the meadow right behind us. It was sitting in the shade, all by itself. Around here, we seldom see them alone, but sure enough, an hour later, two of her friends came by and she got up and they all went nibbling along the way.
Since I had the camera out, I thought I'd see what else was in the neighborhood, and to my delight, a beautiful goldfinch flew right onto my back fence. Isn't she pretty? I miss the cardinals still, but love the bluebirds and goldfinches.
Bigbuddy went to work all day, and for the first time, was asked to work on Saturday too, so wanting to have some fun this weekend, he decided to go fishing on Friday night around dusk.
He was feeling sad because Saturday morning was the local fishing derby for all kids 16 and under and LittleBuddy was going without him.
Palmer Lake is set right against the mountains. Its about fifteen minutes from where we live, and has a little town of the same name right there. This was taken on Fri. night. Sat. morning there must have been 200 kids and all their families there. . . . a lot more crowded than this here.
There is a traintrack that runs just west of the lake, and about every hour a train goes by. Most are carrying coal from the mountains down south.
Sadly, neither of my boys caught anything. LittleBuddy had four bites, but his reel got all messed up and after twenty minutes of both of us messing with it, we declared it was just a mess, and we left. To console ourselves, we went to visit Bigbuddy at work, and we also needed some potting soil. I like to be the customer and have my son wait on me at work. I go in every few days just for the opportunity to ask for his assistance to help me. I'm happy to be the anonymous mother around all his friends, but he always breaks into a big smile, and says, "Hi MOM!" Gotta love that boy! Anyhow, I asked him to show me the firepits they were selling, and he was showing me the best and most beautiful ones. . . no wonder his boss loves him. I, of course, being the ever-trying-to-save-a-dollar-if-I-can, mother, asked about one up on a shelf, that only he could reach. It didn't have a price sticker on it, so he checked it out for me, and told me it was half what the other's were. It looked as good as the rest to me, and we decided to give it to our dad for Father's Day. I had timed it so I would be at the garden center when my boy was almost ready for lunch, so then I had him carry the firepit to the car, and when he clocked out, we came home and put it in the basement. Then our dad came home and saw it and wrecked our surprise. BUT, he loved it, and with not much prompting from his children, he concluded we had to use it that evening.
And we did!
And it was so much fun, we've decided that whenever we're home in the summer during the weekend, Saturday should be declared S'mores Saturday.
And so it is!
And everyone is happy, even the girl who shall appear faceless in my pictures.
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