LittleBuddy is busy with school projects. He made a cuneiform tablet in social studies. Last night he spent six hours building a cell. I should have taken a picture of it before he brought it in. I'm especially pleased he turned it in today when it isn't due until Monday. He told me last Monday that he had a plan for the week so he could get everything done and Wed. was "cell day." Now he has to finish two hundred pages for a book report also due on Mon. I'm amazed he's so organized.
When he came home from school his big brother threw a snowball at him, so now bigbrother deserves "lunch detention" tomorrow, right? We are still making up the funny ways he will have to "pay" while he is home from lunch for an hour tomorrow. I'm leaning towards being forced to play Scrabble with me or letting me take more pictures of him. . . going to be a tough punishment, ha! No ESPN is also an option or perhaps making me lunch. I'm still thinking.
We were "boo-ed" twice within a half hour of each other last week, so we whipped up a lot of cupcakes to share with our friends and neighbors.
I loved these bright Halloween plates. I just love Halloween color schemes. I have really liked orange a lot for the past year. It has always been one of BigBuddy's favorite colors. There was a time when he wore orange shirts every day. I think he was around 5 or 6. I'd have to do the wash every couple of days for him until I started buying cheap orange shirts so he could have a week's supply. He still likes orange. If you're into color theory, it does kind of describe him, however. He's social like Yellow's and a leader like Red's. Orange really is a good combination to describe him.
I finally closed the Cricut and got out the sewing machine. Notice all the technology filling up my tiny area - boombox, Cricut, sewing machine and laptop are pretty much the main tools in life I use outside the kitchen. Its always a trick to keep the one I need the most in the forefront and put the others away safely, since there isn't that much space in my little craft corner.
I was busy making privacy sheers for our den. Now when guests come they don't have to see how packed our ugly den is right off the front door. Its my least favorite room in our house. Someday I'd like to turn it into a PotteryBarn replica, but until then, at least we don't have to look at it all day long. I'm quite enjoying that.
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