
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Early November

Just a little bit of what's going on this week. . . Missing MyMike. He's on travel again. Glad he made it through LaGuardia today safely. Finally got a current picture of the two of us together. This one was taken at Branson. Fun memory!

 Finally got MyGirl to pose and smile for a picture. This one is going on the Christmas card. She's working part-time now for MyMike's boss. Its boring, but she's getting paid and its good for her to have this opportunity.
 LittleBuddy doing well on the viola. Despite his serious look and obvious teenage attitude, he's a good kid, and still enjoys hanging out with me, so no complaints. I actually love his musical concerts, but don't dare sit in the room while he's practicing. . . wouldn't want to jinx anything, you know? He went fishing with BigBuddy yesterday. Someday they'll catch fish, until then its good for them to enjoy their time together before BigBuddy goes back to school in January.
Since MyMike won't have to look at the mess, I have a lot of projects planned for this week. Messes will be left out. Chaos will reign downstairs in the craft area, and hopefully I'll get a lot of Christmas done as I stay up a little later than I normally do. I'll miss him, but this is a blessing too.

And, going to vote. He sent his in already. I'm excited to take my two middle children to have their first voting experience. Its a privilege and a duty and I'm grateful for the opportunity to vote my conscience.

And Mom and Dad get back tomorrow evening. We're looking forward to hearing all about their cruise and adventures and spending time with then again. My dining room table is covered with things to bring down for Mom. She missed a lot of crafty stuff while she was gone and we've got come catching up to do too.

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