
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanks 52-54

52. I'm thankful for the internet. Hasn't it made looking up things and finding information so much faster than the days we had to go to the library or make a hundred phone calls? Its also made genealogy so much easier. Big Blessings!

53. I'm thankful for dinner time. Its the first time, usually, in each day that everyone is gathered all together, at least everyone that's home. After that we may all hang out together or we may go our separate ways. It depends on the night, but I love that we have this ritual that brings us all together, starting with a prayer, and sharing with each other our happenings as well as the food I've prepared with love for my family.

54. I'm thankful for language. I'm thankful for the ability to communicate. I'm thankful for written words. We learn by language, so I'm grateful for the ability to learn, to be inspired, to be able to understand what someone is communicating to me, and to be able to share my own thoughts and ideas back with them. When I read that the Lord confounded the language at the Tower of Babel I can see how devastating that must have been.

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