
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chuhily at Night

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. One of the highlights of the long weekend was a visit to the Denver Botanic Gardens. They were hosting some glass art by Dale Chuhily, which was all lit up at night, and required special tickets to get in. Although this exhibit started in June I ordered our tickets in October, and it was sold out a couple of days later for the whole rest of the year, so I'm grateful I acted when I did. We missed seeing his museum when we were in Seatlle earlier this year, so I was so happy to get to go now. The weather was lovely, for being Colorado in late November, and the glass sculptures - AMAZING! Here are a few photos to share the variety of color and texture. Many of these are very tall also. It really was so creatively inspiring. We loved it!

 This one below is a good example of how stunning they were when they were in the middle of a pond. Just stunning!

 I had a really hard time capturing a good photo of this one for some reason, but it was one of my favorites.

Just makes me want to create something unique and shiny! :-) Happy December!

1 comment:

Jnell said...

I love Chuhily! If you ever come to Pittsburgh I will take you to the Phipps conservatory were they have a beautiful display of flowers and plants. Among the garden rooms there are peices of Chuhily's work. It is absolutely gorgeous.