
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mother's Day Gratitude

This has been an unusual time for me lately. I spent Mother's Day in the hospital. This is the card I made for my mother but still haven't given it to her yet. I'm behind.

Long story short, I went to the ER three times last week and finally on Friday night they decided to admit me since clearly there was a problem and clearly I wasn't getting any better on my own. By Sunday evening the doctors had a good idea what the problem was, and on Monday morning I had a procedure done to help fix it, and it did. Unfortunately by that time my iron had dipped so low they were considering giving me a transfusion Tuesday morning based upon my blood work that day. Fortunately, I was just up to the point where a transfusion wasn't necessary but still very low. So, that's been making it hard for me to get back to where I was, along with my auto immune issues, but I'm getting there. Slowly but surely. My main problem has been greatly improved so I feel very grateful for that. Actually my main problem is a by-product of having an auto-immune, according to my doctors, and I can expect to keep having procedures done every couple of years to keep things functioning. However, I feel very grateful that they Can Do something because I was very miserable for several days last week.

Bodies - a gift and trial. I enjoyed reading Darla Isaacson's article in Meridian Magazine this week about manna from heaven. When the Lord provides for our needs, do we still feel bad we didn't get our wants too? I'm trying to be patient. I find it amazing that last Tuesday I could do everything just fine, and eleven days later its still a taxing chore to put a load of laundry away. But, that's where it is, and I need to remind myself to be grateful that things aren't worse, and that I am making progress. Patience is hard. I am grateful to be getting better. I really am.

I am also very grateful to my mother who still steps in to take care of me or my family after all these years of being a mother. Really, it should be my turn to help take care of her, but she's much hardier than I am. I am continually amazed by all she does, how good she is at so many things, and how wonderful she is to me and my family. My children had a lovely Mother's Day at her house while Mike was with me in the hospital and it was snowing inches that day.

One thing I also felt very grateful for in all of this was how capable my children are of being self-sufficient. My Cowgirl has been that way for many years, but the other three that live at home - this was a test for them. I was gone for four days, and out of it for days before and after, and they just stepped in and did what was needed without my directions or with just a small comment from me. LittleBuddy needs to get a ride somewhere, BigBuddy took him. Lunches and dinner needs to be made, MyGirl stepped in. Laundry needs to be done, they did it themselves. We're getting low on groceries, they went and bought some, or made a list for their dad to pick some up. Dishes piling up, they did them together. They know how to get themselves up, get things done, get where they need to be, take care of the house and each other, and I am immensely proud of them for being that way. It was an enormous comfort to me to be able to lie in a hospital bed and realize that what I have trained my children to do, they could do. It felt like the best gift ever besides the thoughtful cards and flowers. I know it was hard for them, just like it is for me sometimes, but they did it and I am really grateful for them for being who they are.

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