
Friday, May 23, 2014

Some Father's Day Cards

My husband doesn't like it when I refer to him as a rocket scientist. For instance, I might say, "You should know, you're a rocket scientist." He knows he doesn't know everything, and he feels that the title of rocket scientist means one would know everything. 
So, I explained to him the other day, "Have you put a scientific device on the outside of a space shuttle?" 
His response, "Yes, but I'm just an electrical engineer."
"Don't you work on electrical systems for things that go up in the sky really really high?
"Yes," he responded.
I asked next, "Haven't you spent your whole career pretty much figuring out how things would work in space whether they're satellites, drones, F-18 fighter jets or antennaes put on the space shuttle, which is a large form of a rocket?"
"Well, yes," he says. 
I end it all with, "I rest my case." 
I really should have gone to law school.

Anyhow, I would have no chance of sending anything shooting higher than a two story building, so when I made this card for him, the rocket just felt right. He has sacrificed a lot this year for our family, mostly time, money, and the usual dad things. But we're grateful. Now I need to think of a good gift.

And for my dad. I've had this blue embossed with gold star paper since the last time I lived in Colorado. I loved it, just didn't know where to use it. When I was making this card and was searching though my scrap bag, I saw it, and Voila - it seemed like the perfect fit, and the blues matched great! Yeah for all things coming together. My dad is a great dad and also sacrifices much for his family. I am very blessed to be his only daughter. And blue is his favorite color.

 My father-in-law is a more complicated person. I do, however, realize, that in the past couple of years he has turned a new side of him towards his family and thought this card would validate that. And green is his favorite color.
I've learned the value of having cards made ahead of time. However, now I seriously lacking enough Thank you cards, so I'll be making a bunch of those probably tomorrow while the men-folk in my family are off on the motorcycles.

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