
Thursday, January 31, 2013


Did I tell you that Mike and I are Webelos leaders?
Fun times. 
Here we are at the Air Force Academy last Saturday for the Cadets hosting of the Cub Scout's Winter Spree Activity.

Our little group consisted of two dens, ours and the one that was recently split off from our ward. That was great fun for the boys who don't get to see each other often anymore. On this day they got to spend over four hours together. 
MyMike, checking his work email, as we watched the Cadets teach our boys.

Here the Cadets were teaching the boys how to make warrior sounds, as they proceeded to the obstacle course, complete with camo nets, crawling on their bellies, and jumping through hoops, literally. The boys loved it!
Everything took place inside or outside the Stadium where the Cadets have football games and where graduation takes place. Our boys were really fun and excited to participate in everything. They're eager to do everything we're teaching them each week also. I know that BSA is changing policies soon. . . guess we'll wait and see how it all works out in the future.

Oh, and as for my exercise plan. . . hiking up and down all the stairs at the stadium twice that day, that counts!

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