
Monday, December 19, 2011

Getting Busy

What better way to forget your own issues than to delve into others issues?? Haha! Not really, but this weekend was spent being busy in positive ways for me. I could see by this morning that the Lord just kept providing ideas and opportunities for me to get busy, and truly work is a great blessing. 

However, Why does reorganizing usually involve some monumental mess beyond what was already a mess to get there? Since BigBuddy is no longer sharing a room with his brother, I attacked both boys' clothes, cleaning, sorting, donating, bagging or returning to its rightful place. That room just needed an overhaul and it got it, with the temporary stopping point being my living room. Then it was his dresser and shoes. Fortunately I had the house to myself for a long time this weekend which allowed me to create such chaos and happily the living room is back to its peaceful uncluttered self. 

The boys in my family went snow camping this Friday night with the Boy Scouts. Double sleeping bags for everyone and layers and layers of clothing, and still their feet were cold. I'm now on the hunt for better boots and socks. 

My mom, bless her heart, came over on Friday night and helped me make over 120 meatballs. We froze them and will be using them when company comes later this week. I had to leave while they were baking to pick up MyGirl from a party. I came back to meatball mess all cleaned up. She is a great blessing!

Found this yummy idea on Our Best Bites, and it even has the link to this cute tag. Don't you love how the web can make your life easier? I love a good chili and know some others who feel the same way. Gave away three today and two more on Tuesday. I may even make up another batch and give more away. I'm just not feeling like doing tons of cookies and at the season of giving when the weather here is getting chilly, why not chili? It made sense to me.

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