
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Twas the Tuesday

Twas the Tuesday before Christmas, and all through the house, many creatures were stirring, and gratefully there wasn't one mouse!
While Mama was in her nightclothes, Papa donned his hat, and the snow blower got the front yard cleared in no time flat. She'd heard a loud noise and went to see what was the matter. It was just her dear hubby making a clatter. He went down the street, clearing for neighbors too, and the thought crossed her mind, what a Christ-like thing to do.
By nightfall a party was happily ensuing, the Beehives were eager for merry fun doings. The 2nd counselor was on bed rest and yours truly was asked to step in, but it was the generous advisor who hosted and made it happen. Her games were so fun, her heart so sweet, and the girls loved their party, especially the treats!
Some baking was done in the kitchen with care, in appreciation for kindnesses that had been shared. Rolls by the dozens accompanied by jam were just what this last-minute baker had planned. The oven was on for much of the day in preparations for parties and guests that would stay. How grateful we are for those that will come and gift us with their presence. We can't wait for the fun!
A gingerbread train was sitting on the shelf, and it looked cute enough in spite of its "come from a box" self. Our cousins like trains and my children wanted to share their love for their cousins with a creative flair. This family night activity had been planned the night before, in hopes of showing their love all the more.

All week we have waited and prayed with our souls for a loved one who traveled abroad with a goal.
Then a note was found on the computer to say, he is learning the language and loving his stay. His mother did cheer and his sisters did say, that's the best news we've heard in many a day.

And now it is Wednesday, we're sure getting close, to the day that our Savior is celebrated most. To give and to love make this season so bright, and with each act of goodness we feel of His light. May your season be merry and may you always remember that Jesus is the best reason to celebrate in December!
                            Merry Christmas!!!!!

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