
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thankful 13-15

13. I'm feeling very grateful for our Pilgrim ancestors. Both Mike and I have relatives who sailed on the Mayflower. His survived, and were the first couple married- Priscilla and John Alden. Mine, Edward Fuller and his unknown wife, passed away that first winter. However, knowing that they all came to America to have the freedom to worship God as they pleased makes my heart full of gratitude. I am happy to keep their legacy and make worship a priority in my life.

14. I am grateful for the ability to love and be loved. Its truly what keeps life worth living.

15. I am grateful for all the services that are part of this century and decade I live in. From trash removal to electricity and gas, these all make my life so much easier and able to concentrate on more weighty matters. I am blessed!

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