
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanks 40 -42 and a card

Yesterday was a snow day and we officially started our Thanksgiving Break from school . . . a whole week!
I know. Love it!

I sent this card to a loved one. Loved the subway stamp from October's Stamp of the Month by CTMH.
That shimmer trim in copper is a new favorite embellishment. Its adhesive backed and so easy to use. The patterned paper is from the Huntington paper packet.

40. I'm thankful to have the opportunity and supplies for making cards. Its something I enjoy. Its always a gift from my heart when I create one to send to someone.

41. I'm thankful for weekends.  I need the change from the regular work week. I need a Saturday to get things done with Mike and all the kids and I need the Sabbath to recharge, renew, and recommit myself to the Lord.

42. I'm thankful that I learned about organizations that we can donate to, like Kiva, where your investment in someone's business gets repaid and you can reinvest that same money to bless even more people. Its a micro-business investment and I have been interested in these for a while and finally found out how I can be a part of it. I'm excited!

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